Wednesday, May 5, 2010

EJP has moved to Wordpress! May promotions for EJP facebook fans! Blogger has been fabulous to me but it's been a long time coming to make the switch to wordpress and it's now that time! Even though it's not perfect I've decided to make the switch anyway and allow my fans to see the work in progress and encourage me as I go! I would love to see followers on the new page and would LOVE to see your comments and encouragement of your likes and dislikes as I make changes! I appreciate your patience as I attempt to figure out a new Blog site! I have LOTS to learn! It's currently under construction so check back often for updates! It will be exactly how I dream for it to look soon....I hope!! Remember to follow me on Facebook and become a fan! The new business page is up! I will be having specials and promotions for my fans only! So become a fan and find out what you may win this month of May! Thanks so much for all your love and continued support and I will see you all on Wordpress! xoxo-E